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Sunday 13 February 2011

Never let me go

Hi all. I'm Adam, thought I'd give this blogging business a go, and what better to do than what I love, films! These reviews will be what the average cinema fan thinks, not some film critic who won't enjoy a film unless it has artistic merit blah blah blah...

So the first film is never let me go. I went into this film knowing next to nothing about it, apart from the odd thing on the radio. I'd heard it had something to do with the sundance film festival last November, and so was a bit wary of what to expect. After seeing it, I can say I'll be trusting these film festival choices more often! It was a powerful and moving piece of art, that portrayed the ups and downs of three friends, growing up to be 'donors'.'Donors' are clones of other humans, who are raised for the sole purpose of harvesting their vital organs. Now you would he forgiven for thinking the main focus of the film would be on this, however I found myself more drawn to to the relationships between the 3. The donor factor sort of came to be 'normal'. A lot of people are saying that Knightley has really established herself in this film as a serious actress,  and I couldn't agree more! Her character Ruth is in a relationship with Tommy (Garfield) for the main part. Tommy though, is really in love with Cathy (Mullagan) who feels the same about Tommy. I won't say much more as I don't want to spoil it for you! Mullagan is superb in this film, as is Garfield. You could tell that the cast genuinely got along, as the on screen chemistry was sublime. Props also have to go to the children who played their younger versions. I'm always dubious about child actors, only few can get the emotions right and be believable, but these guys hit the nail on the head!

Anyway, I'm off now. If you like the review, or didn't, let me know. Also if you want anything reviewing, send your suggestions in.

The film gets :) :) :) :) ( 4 smileys out of 5 ) one to watch!

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